If You Do One Thing at a Maui Shopping Mall, Learn to Play the Uke.
suzettessalononline.com/?product=5338 I mean, it’s not as if you want to emulate Taylor Swift or Meghan Trainor, for that matter. (If you didn’t know, she has a ukulele acoustic version of “All About That Bass” out now.)
According to the UK’s The Guardian, “you can play all the songs in rock ’n’ roll with just three chords, so you’re quickly busting out tunes. All you need is C, F and G7. Then you can play “Twist and Shout,” “Rock Around the Clock” and most blues songs. “Singin’ in the Rain” takes just a C and a G7. In this quick fix world where you want instant results, the ukulele is ideal.”
If that’s not enough, you’ll be joining the ranks of more classic noteworthy musicians who played ukulele, like Joni Mitchell, Neil Young, and Jimi Hendrix.
Not bad company to be amongst, and a uke could also be the perfect souvenir from your Maui vacation.
So join us every Thursday at 2:30pm for a complimentary ukulele lesson so you can rock on!